Mom Cam in the Minivan brings a DO NOT Gift Guide for the holiday season...Because sometimes as parents and gift givers we need to know what to avoid. Learn from my mistakes -- here are four gifts you should avoid giving on the holidays.
female comedian
You Were a Weird Child of the 80's When... /
Spoiler Alert: I'm the weird child
Me at my brother's Bar Mitzvah
You considered Pee-wee Herman a teen heartthrob.
You sent ALF fan mail.
You thought everyone else had a foil ball collection just like Pee-wee Herman...and you.
Your game of house got really heated when you found out your best friend's pretend dad worked for Crest and yours worked for Colgate.
Your game of house got really heated when you found out your best friend's pretend boyfriend was Pee-wee Herman, when he was already your pretend husband.
The outfit you wore for our brother's bar mitzvah was Pee-wee chique.
You wrote a list about being a weird child of the 80s and most of it was about Pee-wee Herman.
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The Unwanted Guest /
On this episode of Mom Cam in the Minivan, I'm a little freaked out by our first guest...
Difficult Discussions /
In the next episode of Mom Cam in the Minivan, I talk about MTV and other difficult things to discuss with your kids (and maybe your own mother).